A fresh new sunny day arrived, together with a peaceful breakfast and the discussion of the plans of the day. We decided the RV needed some thorough cleaning, after we found some insects inside of which we are still not sure what they actually were. We got rid of all of the carpet inside and found that indeed the cleaning was necessary… A lot of dust and vacuuming later we were happy with the result and thought we had deserved a relaxing activity, such as kayaking in the lake surrounding the campground! We launched the only 2-person kayak in the water and went off full of energy! Until we noticed the current came from different directions and made sure that our little kayak was pushed either left or right. The kayaking did not last very long as it seemed like we were fighting more with the water than actually gliding through it. Then it was time for the first shower of the journey! Let me tell you, it’s not all that on a campground! Tip: slippers/havaiana’s are your best friend!

We went to buy supplies in Kingston, half an hour drive, and when we were there we both noticed the McDonalds and were secretly craving for a fatty burger. So we just went for it and enjoyed!